Pier 4 Park

Amanda Villa
Anastasia Anaquway
Baby Butcher
Benz Menova
Calypso Cosmic
Charlize Angel
Chubby Chiibi
Denim Blu
DJ Mar
Anyone in Hamilton
Ashley Irwin Creatives
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
BGC Hamilton-Halton
Bike Rally Recruitment
Briars Pockets
Bruce Trail Conservancy
Coco Blossoms
Core Entertainment
Corktown Massage Therapy
Craft Witch Stitch
Cupe 7800
Cupe 786
Dignity Memorial
First Unitarian Church of Hamilton
Free Mom Hugs
Hamilton and District Labour Council
Hamilton Children’s Aid Society
Hamilton City Roller Derby
Hamilton Community Legal Clinic
Jessie James
Jupiter Allan
Kamilla Flores
Karma Kameleon
Kenya Rami
Kimora Amour
Nico Lavender
Sasha Fienix
Sir Lady Nickx
Hamilton Mountain PLA
Hamilton Theatre Inc.
Hamilton Urban Core Community Health Centre
Hamilton Wentworth Elementary Teacher’s Local (2SLGBTQ+ Committee)
Herbal Life
Jenn the Artist
Ka-Y-Ee Rose & Naomi Rose
Leafy Things
LGBT Youth Line
Love and Thunder Tattoo Co.
Mathew Green
MMH Labour Law
Mondelez Canada
Mortgage Teacher
Owl & Crafty Beaver
Path Employment
Players Guild
Prime Timers
Redwood Psycho Therapy
Ren’s Pets
Revive Fitness
RoyGBiv and Co.
Sopen Hamilton
Sparkle Spice’s Arts Corner
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Stardust Collective
Stem Cell Club
Sugar Daddies Bakery
Sweet Treats
TD Canada Trust
The Affirming United Churches
The AIDS Network
The Beer Store
The Golden Horseshoe Bowling League
The Well
The Witch Inn
Trash Witch Creations
Willowbridge Community Services
YWCA Hamilton