2SLGBTQIA+ Resources

  • Hamilton Health & Medical Resources

    People in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community can have more physical and mental health needs, in part from the stress of living with discrimination. Below are crisis services, groups, and informational websites you may find helpful.

  • Hamilton Crisis Support Resources

    A crisis is when a person feels they can’t cope anymore.  A person might feel out of control, or might be having thoughts of harming someone else or themselves.  Sometimes a person in crisis has thoughts of ending their life.  If this is you or someone you know, take it seriously and reach out for help. 

  • Hamilton 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth Resources

    We want a world where 2SLGBTQIA+ youth are safe and celebrated as their authentic selves, thriving in communities built on solidarity, mutual care, and self-determination.

  • Hamilton Newcomers Resources

    Hamilton is a popular destination among newcomers moving to Canada. Its proximity to Toronto and comparatively lower cost of living are only some of the features that make Hamilton one of the best cities to live in Canada.

  • Hamilton General Resource Websites

  • Toronto Area Resources

  • Ontario Indigenous Resources

  • Ontario Provincial Resources